Salzburg is a minimal and elegant blogging theme. Simple and clean but powerful at the same time. Provides you with the fast loading speed, clean code and options that you need to customise your blog.
Table of Contents
- In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the ‘Add New’ button.
- Type in ‘Salzburg‘ in the search form and press the ‘Enter’ key on your keyboard
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Clic k on the ‘Activate’ button to use your new theme right away. - Go to Appearance > Install plugins. Install and activate the “Kirki Customizer Framework” plugin to enable extra theme options.
- Navigate to Appearance > Welcome to Salzburg to get more info about theme you are using and see helpful resources.
- Navigate to Appearance > Customize in your admin panel and customize to taste.
Quick specs
Image sizes
- Hero square image size is 610 x 610 px
- Hero minimal comes without image
- Vertical layout: recommended image size is 405 x 500 px
- Minimal loop layout: no image
- Read more / Next read featured image size: 275 x 275 px
Misc sizes
- The main column width for single post layout is 760 px wide, however, the full-width Gutenberg images can be 1008 px wide.
- The sidebar column width is up to 300 px wide.
Theme options
The free version of Salzburg theme allows you to create 4 unique layouts for Home Page and 4 unique layouts for a single post. For each template, you can pick one hero layout and one content/loop layout.
Homepage layouts available in the free version:
In order to customize your homepage layout please go to Appearance > Customize > Layouts > Homepage
In the free version, you can pick between the following layouts:
Hero layout:
- Square
- Minimal
Loop layout:
- Vertical
- Minimal

Single post layouts available in the free version:
In order to customize your homepage layout please go to Appearance > Customize > Layouts > Single post
In the free version, you can pick between the following layouts:
Hero layout:
- Square
- Minimal
Content layout:
- Left sidebar
- Right sidebar

Custom Colors
Salzburg includes seven predefined primary color options and an unlimited selection of background colors [you can pick between predefined and custom color].
To adjust your theme color just navigate to Appearance > Customize > Colors > Primary color picker

Custom fonts
The free version of Salzburg theme allows you to pick a custom font for headings and paragraph text. When you navigate to Appearance > Customize > Typography > font families you can choose one of the 8 most popular Google fonts:
- Muli
- Roboto
- Open Sans
- Lato
- Oswald
- Source Sans Pro
- Montserrat
- Lora
Additionally, if you go to Appearance > Customize > Typography > font sizes you can define font-sizing for specified theme elements. (You can use any valid CSS values in those fields).

Salzburg includes a footer widget area, where you can add widgets below the site’s content.
The blog index, archive, search, and single blog posts also include a sidebar widget area. The content will appear in one column (left-hand side), and the widgets in the other (right-hand side).
Simply go to Appearance > Widgets to add widgets of your choice.

Link: Read more about WordPress widgets
Translation ready
Salzburg is translation ready, just place your theme language files in /languages folder. Alternatively, you can use Loco Translate plugin that provides in-browser editing for WordPress translation files.
Please visit the following links to learn more about translating WordPress themes:
Salzburg is a free WordPress theme, so you can get a community help on the forum that is dedicated to the theme.